Proven Bot Sourcing

Coming Spring/Summer 2023

Use our PROVEN BOT process to locate great Amazon REPLENS inventory from virtually ANY retail website!

We’ve been quietly working with top students and coaches on our team for several months on a process that is helping students find, “More REPLENS than I have funds to buy.”

Watch this Brief Overview of the Proven Bot System for Replens

Here’s the process:

    • Locate any “scrape-able” retail website (there are 100s of thousands or more of these)
    • Set up the BOT using the steps we’ll show you
    • Generate a product list
    • Run the list through any number of matching software tools to find winning asins
    • Find even more winning ASINs with manual research (do it yourself or pass to a VA)


What’s a REPLEN?
You REALLY need to check out the 100s of success story interviews from the students of our course! You can hear them on our podcast at A REPLEN is an underserved listing on Amazon. Learning to find them is the key behind over 1,600 tagged success posts in our free facebook group!


What basic skills will I need?
If you don’t have the yet, get it NOW. Those basic “REPLENS” skills will be necessary for you to understand the power of this process. Go through the Amazon 101 module and then the “REPLENISHABLE” training

Interested? Get on our “early alert discount” list for first dibs and a great price break when the course launches!